Use Cases Integrations
This API version is DEPRECATED and will be shut down on December 2, 2025, please upgrade to version 3 now. Find it here: Api Marketing (V3)


Getting Started

The E-goi API handles HTTP and HTTPS queries, which should be sent to the following Protocols/URL:

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a widely used authentication and encryption protocol that establishes a secure communications channel for data-in-transit while ensuring that the client and server can validate one another.
Our API requires TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3. We recommend TLS 1.3.

TLS 1.3 ciphers

TLS 1.2 ciphers


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This projects contains the most common programming languages bindings for the E-Goi Online API. NOTE: The wrappers may not be UpToDate.


Error Description
NO_USERNAME_AND_PASSWORD_AND_APIKEY Missing username and password and API key
NO_USERNAME Missing username
NO_PASSWORD Missing password
NO_APIKEY Missing API key
NO_ACCESS Missing API key or no permission to perform this action
NO_TEMPLATE_PROVIDED Missing template id
NO_LISTS_OR_CAMPAIGNS_PROVIDED Missing lists or campaigns
TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND Template not found
NO_LISTS_PROVIDED_AS_ARRAY Lists provided is not an array
INVALID_CAMPAIGN_ID_PROVIDED_IN_ARRAY The array contains an invalid id
NO_CAMPAIGNS_PROVIDED Template Missing campaigns
NO_CAMPAIGNS_PROVIDED_AS_ARRAY Campaigns provided is not an array
CANT_GENERATE_ADVANCED_REPORT Can't generate advanced report
NO_DATA Missing lists or campaigns
NAME_MISSING Missing name
LIST_MISSING Missing mailing list
LIST_NOT_EXISTS List's not found
IN_USE List's in use
FORMS_NOT_FOUND Forms not found
FORM_MISSING Missing form id
NO_TAGS_FOUND No tags found
TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS Tag already exists
TAG_NOT_FOUND Tag not found
NO_TAG_ID Missing tag ID
NO_TARGET_ELEMENTS No target elements
INTERNAL_ERROR An internal server problem occurred
INVALID_TYPE The item type is not valid
INVALID_LIST Missing mailing list
LIST_NOT_FOUND The mailing list was not found
FIELD_NOT_FOUND The extra field was not found
FIELD_NAME_MISSING Missing extra field name
CHANNEL_MISSING Missing channel of sender
SENDER_EXISTS Sender already exists
NO_MORE_SENDERS_ALLOWED No more senders allowed
SENDER_MISSING Sender already exists
FILE_SENDER_MISSING Sender already exists
SENDER_NOT_EXISTS Sender not exists
FILE_TOO_LARGE The approval file size has exceeded the 8 MB limit
INVALID_FILE The approval file is not an pdf
HASH_MISSING Missing Sender
CNAME_MISSING Missing Cname name
SUBSCRIBER_MISSING Missing subscriber e-mail or reference number
SUBSCRIBER_FORMAT_ERROR The format of the mobile, telephone or fax number is not valid
NO_CELLPHONE Missing mobile
SUBSCRIBER_NOT_FOUND Subscriber not found
CAMPAIGN_NOT_VALID The campaign or campaign template is not valid
NO_MESSAGE Missing campaign message contents
NO_SUBJECT Missing campaign title or E-mail subject
NO_SUBSCRIBERS No subscribers found to send SMS
INVALID_DATE Invalid schedule date
INVALID_OPTION Invalid option
NO_CELLPHONE_OR_TELEPHONE Missing mobile or phone number
SUBSCRIBER_NOT_ACTIVE Subscriber not active
NO_MORE_LISTS_ALLOWED The maximum number of mailing lists in your account has been reached
NO_AUDIO_FILE Missing audio file
NO_FAX_FILE Missing fax file
INVALID_URL Could not load the contents of the external webpage URL
INVALID_FROM Missing/incorrect sender code or the sender hasn't been validated yet in E-goi
INVALID_REPLY Missing/incorrect reply-to code or the reply-to hasn't been validated yet in E-goi
INVALID_TEMPLATE Template not found
NO_CAMPAIGN Missing campaign hash
CANNOT_BE_DELETED The campaign is periodic or event-triggered and cannot be deleted using the API
ALREADY_DELETED The campaign has already been deleted
CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND The campaign was not found
CANNOT_EDIT_CAMPAIGN The campaign is being sent out (or is in a non-editable status) and cannot be currently edited
NO_COMPARE_FIELD Missing fields to compare by
MAX_SUBSCRIBERS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The amount of subscribers you're adding exceeds your account's subscriber limit
MAX_SUBSCRIBERS_FILE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The amount of subscribers you're adding exceeds 50 MB in size
INVALID_EXTRA_FIELD An extra field has an invalid name or contains invalid data
CANNOT_ADD_MORE_SUBSCRIBERS No more subscribers can be added (your account's subscriber limit has been exceeded)
EXTRA_FIELD_X_DOES_NOT_EXIST Extra field XX does not exist
NO_DATA_TO_INSERT No new data has been entered for this subscriber
UNIQUE_FIELDS_EXIST_IN_MORE_THAN_ONE_CONTACT The new data contains unique fields that exists in sereval contacts in the database
DATA_CANNOT_BE_ADDED_OR_EDITED The contact exists but cannot be edited
XX_IN_SUPPRESSION_LIST Some of the subscriber data is in the suppression list
SUBSCRIBER_ALREADY_REMOVED The subscriber has already been removed
EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS The email already exists in the mailing list
CELLPHONE_ALREADY_EXISTS The cellphone already exists in the mailing list
FAX_ALREADY_EXISTS The fax already exists in the mailing list
TELEPHONE_ALREADY_EXISTS The telephone already exists in the mailing list
FIST_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS The first name already exists in the mailing list
LAST_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS The last name already exists in the mailing list
BIRTH_DATE_ALREADY_EXISTS The birthday date already exists in the mailing list
EXTRA_FIELD_XX_ALREADY_EXISTS The extra field XX already exists in the mailing list
EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID The e-mail address is invalid (syntax error)
SEGMENT_NOT_FOUND The segment has not been found in the mailing list
FIELD_NOT_FOUND_IN_SUBSCRIBER One or more inserted fields do not exist in the given subscriber(s)
SEGMENT_NAME_MISSING Missing segment name
SEGMENT_NAME_INVALID Your segment name is invalid. Note that special characters are not allowed in segment names. Characters allowed are letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens and underscores
NO_SEARCH_FIELDS Missing fields to run the search on
NO_SEGMENT_FOUND No segment found
AUTOBOT_MISSING Missing autobot ID
AUTOBOT_ACTION_MISSING Missing autobot action ID for V2 Automations
AUTOBOT_NOT_FOUND Autobot not found
AUTOBOT_ACTION_NOT_FOUND Autobot action not found

Api Methods



[Check whether the login data of an E-goi user is valid]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
username false n/a Username (only required if you are not using the APIKEY variable)
password false n/a Password (only required if you are not using the APIKEY variable)


Name Description
user_id User ID
cliente_id Client ID
username Username
email Email
nome First Name
ultimo_nome Last Name
idioma Language
telefone Phone
telemovel Mobile
fax Fax
status Status
apikey API key


[Get information on your E-goi account ]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key


Name Description
COMPANY_NAME Company name
COMPANY_LEGAL_NAME Legal company name
COMPANY_TYPE Company type
BUSINESS_ACTIVITY_CODE Business activity code
DATE_REGISTRATION Company registration date
STATE County or state
ADDRESS Postal address
ZIP_CODE Postcode
TAX_ID VAT or Tax ID number
SIGNUP_DATE E-goi sign-up date
CREDITS Available amount of pay-as-you-go funds in this E-goi account
PLAN_EMAIL_LIMIT Number of available monthly emails (applies only to accounts with a Monthly Sends plan)
PLAN_EMAIL_SENT Number of emails sent out over the current month (applies only to accounts with a Monthly Sends plan)
PLAN_SMS_LIMIT Available number of free monthly SMS messages
PLAN_SMS_SENT Number of free monthly SMS messages sent out over the current month
PLAN_PUSH_LIMIT Available number of free monthly PUSH messages
PLAN_PUSH_SENT Number of free monthly PUSH messages sent out over the current month
PLAN_WEB_PUSH_LIMIT Available number of free monthly WEB_PUSH messages
PLAN_WEB_PUSH_SENT Number of free monthly WEB_PUSH messages sent out over the current month
CONTRACT Name of the contract
CONTRACT_EXPIRE_DATE Contract Expire date


[Get information on an E-goi user]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key


Name Description
USER_LEVEL User type
FIRST_NAME First name
LAST_NAME Last name
EMAIL First E-mail address



[Get a listing of your Autobots]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID false n/a Mailing list reference number
start false 0 Starts the Autobot listing from a specific entry. The default is 0 (i.e., the listing will start from the latest Autobot). If, for example, you set it as 50, the listing will start from the 50th Autobot.
limit false 250 Total Autobots to be listed. You can set it between 1 and 1000.


Name Description
ID Autobot reference number
LIST Reference number of the mailing list associated with this Autobot
NAME Autobot title


[Runs a subscriber through an Autobot]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
autoBotID true n/a Autobot reference number
actionID (b) n/a Autobot Action reference number for V2 Automations
subscriber (a) n/a Subscriber reference number
email (a) n/a Subscriber email address



Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the autobot has been successfully started.



[Create an e-mail campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID false n/a Mailing list reference number
subject true n/a Campaign title
internal_name false n/a Internal campaign name
zipfile (a) n/a ZIP archive containing the e-mail campaign files (HTML and related images)
url (a) n/a URL of an external webpage containing the e-mail campaign
html (a) n/a HTML code to be used as the e-mail campaign's HTML
template (a) n/a Template hash to use as html (Email builder templates are not allowed)
from true n/a Sender code (can only be used for previously validated senders)
reply false n/a Sender code (can only be used for previously validated senders)
link_referer_top false n/a Enable a send-to-a-friend link on the e-mail header
link_referer_bottom false n/a Enable a send-to-a-friend link on the e-mail footer
link_view_top false n/a Enable a view campaign link on the e-mail header
link_view_bottom false n/a Enable a view campaign link on the e-mail footer
link_remove_top false n/a Enable an opt-out link on the e-mail header
link_remove_bottom false n/a Enable (value 1) or disable (value 0) an opt-out link on the e-mail footer
link_edit_top false n/a Enable an edit subscription link on the e-mail header
link_edit_bottom false n/a Enable an edit subscription link on the e-mail footer
link_print_top false n/a Enable a print campaign button on the e-mail header
link_print_bottom false n/a Enable a print campaign button on the e-mail footer
link_social_networks_top false n/a Enable a social media sharing button on the e-mail header
link_social_networks_bottom false n/a Enable a social media sharing button on the e-mail footer
link_facebook_share_top false n/a Enable a Facebook sharing button on the e-mail header
link_facebook_share_bottom false n/a Enable a Facebook sharing button on the e-mail footer
link_twitter_share_top false n/a Enable a Twitter sharing button on the e-mail header
link_twitter_share_bottom false n/a Enable a Twitter sharing button on the e-mail footer
link_googleplus_share_top false n/a Enable a Google Plus sharing button on the e-mail footer
link_googleplus_share_bottom false n/a Enable a Google Plus sharing button on the e-mail footer
google_stats false n/a Enable Google Analytics tracking for all links in the email
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in
header_footer_template false n/a Specific header and footer ID to use (you can use the getHeaderFooterTemplates command to retrieve this info)



Name Description
ID Reference number for the new campaign


[Create a fax campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID false n/a Mailing list reference number
subject true n/a Campaign title
internal_name false n/a Internal campaign name
faxfile true n/a File containing the fax document (PDF format)
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in


Name Description
ID Reference number for the new campaign


[Creates a campaign group]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
name true n/a Name for the new group
share false 0 Toggles the campaign sharing bar on/off for all campaigns in this group. (1 = on; 0 = off)


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the new campaign group has been successfully created.
GROUP_ID is the group's reference number in E-goi


[Create an SMS campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID false n/a Mailing list reference number
subject true n/a Campaign title
internal_name false n/a Internal campaign name
message true n/a SMS message
fromID true n/a SMS sender hash (can only be used for previously validated senders)
encoding false gsm Encoding used for the SMS message. You can set it as "gsm" (the default GSM encoding) or "utf8" (a more advanced encoding which allows you to use extra non-English characters in your message).
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in
max_messages false 1 Maximum number of messages (encoding "gsm" - 160 characters in length per message, encoding "utf8" - 70 in length characters per message)



Name Description
ID Reference number for the new campaign


[Create a voice call campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID false n/a Mailing list reference number
subject true n/a Campaign title
internal_name false n/a Internal campaign name
audiofile true n/a Audio file (MP3 or WAV PCM format)
from false n/a Call sender name (can only be used for previously validated senders)
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in


Name Description
ID Reference number for the new campaign


[Delete a campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
campaign true n/a Campaign hash code


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the campaign has been successfully deleted


[Edit an e-mail campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID false n/a Mailing list reference number
campaign hash for the campaign to edit (Email builder campaign are not allowed to be used by this option)
subject false n/a Campaign title
internal_name false n/a Internal campaign name
zipfile (a) n/a ZIP archive containing the e-mail campaign files (HTML and related images)
url (a) n/a URL of an external webpage containing the e-mail campaign
html (a) n/a HTML code to be used as the e-mail campaign's HTML
from true n/a Sender code (can only be used for previously validated senders)
reply false n/a Sender code (can only be used for previously validated senders)
link_referer_top false n/a Enable a send-to-a-friend link on the e-mail header
link_referer_bottom false n/a Enable a send-to-a-friend link on the e-mail footer
link_view_top false n/a Enable a view campaign link on the e-mail header
link_view_bottom false n/a Enable a view campaign link on the e-mail footer
link_remove_top false n/a Enable an opt-out link on the e-mail header
link_remove_bottom false n/a Enable (value 1) or disable (value 0) an opt-out link on the e-mail footer
link_edit_top false n/a Enable an edit subscription link on the e-mail header
link_edit_bottom false n/a Enable an edit subscription link on the e-mail footer
link_print_top false n/a Enable a print campaign button on the e-mail header
link_print_bottom false n/a Enable a print campaign button on the e-mail footer
link_social_networks_top false n/a Enable a social media sharing button on the e-mail header
link_social_networks_bottom false n/a Enable a social media sharing button on the e-mail footer
link_facebook_share_top false n/a Enable a Facebook sharing button on the e-mail header
link_facebook_share_bottom false n/a Enable a Facebook sharing button on the e-mail footer
link_twitter_share_top false n/a Enable a Twitter sharing button on the e-mail header
link_twitter_share_bottom false n/a Enable a Twitter sharing button on the e-mail footer
link_googleplus_share_top false n/a Enable a Google Plus sharing button on the e-mail footer
link_googleplus_share_bottom false n/a Enable a Google Plus sharing button on the e-mail footer
google_stats false n/a Enable Google Analytics tracking for all links in the email
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in
header_footer_template false n/a Specific header and footer ID to use (you can use the getHeaderFooterTemplates command to retrieve this info)
hide_logo false n/a Remove (value 1) E-goi logo from footer if permitted



Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the campaign has been successfully updated


[Edits a campaign group]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
group true n/a Group reference number
name true n/a Name for the new group
share false 0 Toggles the campaign sharing bar on/off for all campaigns in this group. (1 = on; 0 = off)


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the new campaign group has been successfully updated
GROUP_ID is the group's reference number in E-goi


[Edit an SMS campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID false n/a Mailing list reference number
subject true n/a Campaign title
internal_name false n/a Internal campaign name
campaign true n/a Campaign hash code
message true n/a SMS message
fromID false n/a SMS sender hash (can only be used for previously validated senders)
encoding false gsm Encoding used for the SMS message. You can set it as "gsm" (the default GSM encoding) or "utf8" (a more advanced encoding which allows you to use extra non-English characters in your message).
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in
max_messages (b) 1 Maximum number of messages (encoding "gsm" - 160 characters in length per message, encoding "utf8" - 70 in length characters per message)



Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the campaign has been successfully edited


[Get a listing of your campaigns]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
start false 0 Starts the campaign listing from a specific entry. The default is 0 (i.e., the listing will start from the latest campaign). If, for example, you set it as 50, the listing will start from the 50th campaign.
limit false 25 Total campaigns to be listed. You can set it between 1 and 1000
status false n/a Filters results by the campaign's current status. You can choose between the following statuses: standby, processing, finished, archived, canceled, queued, deleted, recurrence, hanging, resumed, sending.
mailing_hashcode false n/a Filters results by the campaign's hash.
listID false n/a List's reference number


Name Description
REF Campaign reference number
LISTNUM Reference number of the mailing list associated with this campaign
SUBJECT Campaign subject or title
INTERNAL_NAME Internal campaign title
CAMPAIGN_URL URL for this campaign
START Campaign start date and time
END Campaign end date and time
CHANNEL Channel used for this campaign (Email='email' , SMS='sms_premium' , Voice broadcast='voz' , Push='push', WebPush='web_push')
STATUS Campaign status ('standby' , 'processing' , 'finished' , 'archived' , 'canceled' , 'queued' , 'deleted' , 'recurrence' , 'hanging' , 'resumed' , 'sending')
HASH Campaign hash code
PROCESSED_MESSAGES Processed campaign messages (for in-progress or sent campaigns)


[Get headers and footers availables for the client]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key


Name Description
ID Template ID
NAME Title


[Get campaigns templates]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
show_html false 0 set 1 to show HTML of email template or Web page of SmartSMS template (Email builder campaign are not allowed to be used by this option)
show_message false 0 set 1 to show the SMS or SmartSMS message


Name Description
ID Template ID
NAME Template name
CAMPAIGN Campaign hash code
HTML Template HTML
MESSAGE Template message


[Send a voice call campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
subject true n/a Campaign title
uid (a) n/a Subscriber reference number (only if the subscriber is already in the mailing list)
cellphone (a) n/a Mobile number (if the number is not found in the mailing list, it will be automatically added)
telephone (a) n/a Telephone number (if the number is not found in the mailing list, it will be automatically added)
segment (a) n/a Mailing list segment (use "ALL" to select all segments or use the actual segment name to select that segment only)
campaign (b) n/a Hash code of the voice call campaign that you want to send
template (b) n/a Hash code of the voice call template that you wish to send
internal_name n/a Internal title of the campaign that you want to send @c_param internal_name n/a Internal title of the campaign that you want to send
type false n/a Campaign destination ("cellphone" or "telephone"; if this variable is not set, the campaign will be sent to telephone numbers by default)
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in
schedule false n/a Campaign schedule date (yyyy-mm-dd H:i:s)



Name Description
ID Reference number for the campaign being sent
TO Segment or individual telephone/mobile number which the campaign is being sent to
CAMPAIGN Hash code of the sent campaign


[Send an e-mail campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
uid (a) n/a Contact reference number (only if the contact is already in the mailing list)
email (a) n/a Contact e-mail address (if the address is not found in the mailing list, it will be automatically added). You can also use an array to send the campaign to more than one e-mail address.
segment (a) n/a Mailing list segment (use "ALL" to select all segments or use the actual segment name to select that segment only). You can also use an array to send the campaign to more than one segment.
template (b) n/a Hash code of the campaign template that you wish to send (Email builder campaign are not allowed to be used by this option)
campaign (b) n/a Hash code of the campaign that you want to send (Email builder campaign are not allowed to be used by this option)
header_footer_template false n/a Specific header and footer ID to use (you can use the getHeaderFooterTemplates command to retrieve this info)
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in
groupCampaigns false SINGLE Groups emails with the same template in the same campaign. "SINGLE" only groups when sending to a specific subscriber, "MULTI" groups when sending to more than one, "ALL" groups all emails and "NONE" doesn't group any and creates a new campaign.
schedule false n/a Campaign schedule date (yyyy-mm-dd H:i:s)



Name Description
ID Reference number for the campaign being sent
TO Segment or individual e-mail address which the campaign is being sent to
CAMPAIGN Hash code of the sent campaign


[Send a fax campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
subject true n/a Campaign title
uid (a) n/a Subscriber reference number (only if the subscriber is already in the mailing list)
fax (a) n/a Fax number (if the number is not found in the mailing list, it will be automatically added)
segment (a) n/a Mailing list segment (use "ALL" to select all segments or use the actual segment name to select that segment only)
campaign (b) n/a Hash code of the fax campaign that you want to send
template (b) n/a Hash code of the fax template that you wish to send
internal_name (b) n/a Internal title of the campaign that you want to send
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in
schedule false n/a Campaign schedule date (yyyy-mm-dd H:i:s)



Name Description
ID Reference number for the campaign being sent
TO Segment or individual fax number which the campaign is being sent to
CAMPAIGN Hash code of the sent campaign


[Send an SMS campaign]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
subject true n/a Campaign title
uid (a) n/a Subscriber reference number (only if the subscriber is already in the mailing list)
cellphone (a) n/a Mobile number (if the number is not found in the mailing list, it will be automatically added; prefix and number separated by a hyphen, such as 44-078XXXXXXXX)
segment (a) n/a Mailing list segment (use "ALL" to select all segments or use the actual segment name to select that segment only)
message (b) n/a SMS message
campaign (b) n/a Hash code of the SMS campaign that you want to send
template (b) n/a Hash code of the SMS template that you wish to send
encoding (b) gsm Encoding used for the SMS message. You can set it as "gsm" (the default GSM encoding) or "utf8" (a more advanced encoding which allows you to use extra non-English characters in your message).
max_messages (b) 1 Maximum number of messages (encoding "gsm" - 160 characters in length per message, encoding "utf8" - 70 in length characters per message)
fromID true n/a SMS sender hash (can only be used for previously validated senders)
internal_name false n/a Campaign internal title
group false n/a Campaign group which this campaign will be included in
groupCampaigns false SINGLE Groups sms with the same template in the same campaign. "SINGLE" only groups when sending to a specific subscriber, "MULTI" groups when sending to more than one, "ALL" groups all emails and "NONE" doesn't group any and creates a new campaign.
schedule false n/a Campaign schedule date (yyyy-mm-dd H:i:s)



Name Description
ID Reference number for the campaign being sent
TO Segment or individual mobile number which the campaign is being sent to
CAMPAIGN Hash code of the sent campaign



[Edits the API callback used to receive event notifications from E-goi.]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
callback_url false n/a URL used for the callback
notif_api_1 false n/a Notify when a contact submits a single opt-in subscription form
notif_api_2 false n/a Notify when a contact opts out using the unsubscription form
notif_api_3 false n/a Notify when a contact is added manually to the list
notif_api_4 false n/a Notify when a contact is removed manually from the list
notif_api_5 false n/a Notify when a contact is removed from the list via API
notif_api_6 false n/a Notify when a contact converts another contact
notif_api_7 false n/a Notify when a contact submits a double opt-in subscription form
notif_api_8 false n/a Notify when a contact opts out by clicking the unsubscribe link
notif_api_9 false n/a Notify when a contact is added to the list via API
notif_api_10 false n/a Notify when a contact is removed from the list due to bouncingIs removed from the list via API
notif_api_12 false n/a Notify when a contact has their subscription info changed manually
notif_api_13 false n/a Notify when a contact submits their «edit subscription» form
notif_api_14 false n/a Notify when a contact has their subscription info changed via API
notif_api_15 false n/a Notify when a contact confirms subscription via double opt-in email
notif_api_16 false n/a Notify when a contact goes to their «edit subscription» form


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the new campaign group has been successfully updated.


[Get a listing of your queues]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
type false n/a Array with queues type (advanced_report, campaign, export, export_reports, import, mass_operation, unify).


Name Description
ID Queue reference number
CHANNEL Channel used associated with this queue
TYPE Type of queue
LIST Reference number of the mailing list associated with this queue
CREATION_DATE Queue creation date and time
START_DATE Queue start date and time
STATUS Queue status
STATUS_INFO Queue extra info for status
REMAINING Remaining processes for this queue



[Get all forms of your account]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Filters results by the mailing list's ID number


Name Description
ID ID number of the form
TITLE Form title
DEFAULT if is the default form
HASH Hash code of the form's current deployment method


[Get a forms Submissions]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Form list ID number
formID true n/a Form you wish to get the report
startDate false n/a (yyyy/mm/dd) Filters report results by date, all submited after this date
endDate false n/a (yyyy/mm/dd) Filters report results by date, all submited defore this date


Name Description



[Add an extra field to a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
name true n/a Name for the new extra field
type true n/a Field type (data = date field; texto = text field; telefone = telephone field; telemovel = mobile field; fax = fax field; numero = number field; email = e-mail field; lista = list of values)


Name Description
NEW_ID New extra field's ID


[Create a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
nome true n/a Mailing list title
idioma_lista true n/a Mailing list language
canal_email false 1 Enable/disable e-mail channel (set it to "1" to enable it, "0" to disable it)
canal_sms false 0 Enable/disable SMS channel (set it to "1" to enable it, "0" to disable it)
canal_fax false 0 Enable/disable fax channel (set it to "1" to enable it, "0" to disable it)
canal_voz false 0 Enable/disable voice channel (set it to "1" to enable it, "0" to disable it)


Name Description
LIST_ID Reference number for the new mailing list


[Delete an extra field]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
fieldID true n/a Extra field number


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the extra field has been successfully deleted


[Delete a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a List's reference number


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the list have been successfully deleted


[Edit an extra field]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
fieldID true n/a Extra field number
name false n/a Extra field name
type false n/a Field type (data = date field; texto = text field; telefone = telephone field; telemovel = mobile field; fax = fax field; numero = number field; email = e-mail field; lista = list of values)
fields_values false n/a List values (only applies to fields with the "list of values" type). If your field is a "list of values" you can edit your values with the help of fields_values parameter, with the following format: fields_values[1][en]=your_text, where "1" is the ID of the field value and "en" is the language of the field value where you want to store "your_text". To create a field value you must use the same syntax of editing without passing a numeric value as ID (e. g. fields_values[new1][en]). Additionally, you can create/edit the same field value for all languages at once, if the language is not passed as parameter (e. g. fields_values[new1]=your_text)


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the new field has been successfully updated
NEW_VALUES Array with new list values


[Get a listing of your extra fields]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
start false 0 Starts the listing of extra fields from a specific entry. The default is 0 (i.e., the listing will start from the first extra field). If, for example, you set it as 50, the listing will start from the 50th extra field
limit false 25 Total extra fields to be listed. You can set it between 1 and 1000


Name Description
TYPE Type of extra field
NAME Title and reference number of the extra field
OPTIONS_VALUES Only applies to extra fields of the "list of entries" type. An array will be returned containing the values for each entry of the extra field. If this is a multi-language field, the values will be sorted by language.


[Get a listing of your mailing lists]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID false n/a Filters results by the mailing list's reference number


Name Description
LISTNUM Mailing list ID number
TITLE Public title of the mailing list
TITLE_REF Internal title of the mailing list
GRUPO Group that the mailing list is part of
SUBS_ACTIVOS Total active subscribers in the mailing list
SUBS_TOTAL Total subscribers in the mailing list
IDIOMA Main language of the mailing list
IDIOMAS_EXTRA Other languages of the mailing list
EXTRA_FIELDS ID number of each extra field in the mailing list
UNIQUE_FIELDS ID number of each unique field in the mailing list


[Edit the settings of a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
name false n/a Public mailing list title
internal_name false n/a Internal mailing list title
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
language false n/a Mailing list language


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the list settings have been successfully updated.



[Create an advanced report]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
templateId true n/a ID of an advanced report template which you've already created in your E-goi account. The API will generate a report off that template.
campaigns false n/a Array containing the ID of the campaigns you want to include in the report. (only required if the report type requires you to include campaigns)
lists false n/a Array containing the ID of the mailing lists you want to include in the report. (only required if the report type requires you to include campaigns)
title false n/a Title that will be assigned to your report.


Name Description
REPORT_ID ID of your generated report


[Retrieve one or more advanced reports from your account]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
reportId false n/a ID of an advanced report you've already created in your E-goi account (if you don't set this variable, all advanced reports in your E-goi account will be returned instead)


Name Description
ID ID number of the report
TITLE Report title
HASH Report hash code
STATUS Processing status of the report
CSV Link to the report in CSV format


[Get a campaign report]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
campaign true n/a Campaign hash code


Name Description
HASH Campaign hash code (for e-mail campaigns)
REPORT_URL Public URL for this campaign report (for e-mail campaigns)
SENT Sent messages (for e-mail campaigns)
VIEWS Opens (for e-mail campaigns)
RETURNED Bounces (for e-mail campaigns)
RECOMENDATIONS Referrals (for e-mail campaigns)
RECOMENDATIONS_SUCCESS Conversions (for e-mail campaigns)
FACEBOOK_LIKE Facebook like count (for e-mail campaigns)
FACEBOOK_SHARE Facebook share count (for e-mail campaigns)
GOOGLE_BUZZES Google Plus share count (for e-mail campaigns)
TWEETS Tweeter share count (for e-mail campaigns)
OTHER_SOCIAL Other social network share count (for e-mail campaigns)
CLICKS_RATE Clickthrough rate (for e-mail campaigns)
TOTAL_REMOVES Opt-outs (for e-mail campaigns)
UNIQUE_CLICKS Unique clickthroughs (for e-mail campaigns)
UNIQUE_VIEWS Unique views (for e-mail campaigns)
CLICKS_SUB Total clicks (for e-mail campaigns)
COMPLAIN_RATE Complaint rate (for e-mail campaigns)
COMPLAIN Complaints (for e-mail campaigns)
NOT_OPENED Unopens (for e-mail campaigns)
SOCIAL_VIEWS Social opens (estimated number of people who viewed the campaign in social networks) (for e-mail campaigns)
ANONIM_VIEWS Anonymous opens (for e-mail campaigns)
REACH Campaign reach (estimated number of people who viewed the campaign) (for e-mail campaigns)
HASH Campaign hash code (for SMS campaigns)
REPORT_URL Public URL for this campaign report (for SMS campaigns)
SENT Sent messages (for SMS campaigns)
DELIVERED Delivered (for SMS campaigns)
NOT_DELIVERED Not delivered (for SMS campaigns)
INVALID Invalid numbers (for SMS campaigns)
NETWORKS Mobile networks (for SMS campaigns)
HASH Campaign hash code (for voice call campaigns)
REPORT_URL Public URL for this campaign report (for voice call campaigns)
SENT Sent messages (for voice call campaigns)
DELIVERED Delivered (for voice call campaigns)
NOT_DELIVERED Not delivered (for voice call campaigns)
INVALID Invalid numbers (for voice call campaigns)
NETWORKS Mobile and landline networks (for voice call campaigns)
HASH Campaign hash code (for fax campaigns)
REPORT_URL Public URL for this campaign report (for fax campaigns)
SENT Sent messages (for fax campaigns)
DELIVERED Delivered (for fax campaigns)
NOT_DELIVERED Not delivered (for fax campaigns)
INVALID Invalid numbers (for fax campaigns)



[Create a segment in a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
name true n/a Name for the new segment
field_name_X true n/a Field to run the search on. This variable accepts all segmentation fields available in E-goi (see table below). If you want to do multiple simultaneous searches, replace the "X" with a number.
field_value_X true n/a Value to search for. If you want to do multiple simultaneous searches, replace the "X" with a number. If you are searching between dates, use the following format: date1||date2
field_oper_X true n/a Comparison method for the value to search for. This variable accepts all comparison methods available in E-goi (see table below). If you want to do multiple simultaneous searches, replace the "X" with a number.
type false match_all_condition Search operator (match_any_condition = or; match_all_condition = and). This variable is only valid for multiple simultaneous searches.
invert false 0 Inverts the search result (1 = inverted; 0 = normal)

Segmentation fields available for the field_name_X variable:

all_fields All fields
cellphone Mobile
fax Fax
telephone Telephone
first_name First name
last_name Last name
birth_date Birthdate
tags Tags
extra_field_X Extra field X (X = field reference number)
email_sent E-mails sent
email_views E-mail opens
ref Reference
referrals Referrals
referrals_converted Conversions
clicks Clickthroughs
bounces Bounces
sms_sent SMS sent
sms_delivered SMS delivered
fax_sent Faxes sent
voice_calls_sent Voice calls sent
voice_calls_answered Voice calls answered
email_view_country Country with the latest open
add_date Subscrition date
email_view_region Region with the latest open
email_view_city City with the latest open
social_networks_total Social media actions
engaged_subscribers Engaged subscribers (10 opens and 2 clicks)
dormant_subscribers Dormant subscribers (less than 10 opens and 2 clicks)
new_subscribers New subscribers (last 3 months)
old_subscribers Old subscribers (more than 3 months)
imported_manual_subscribers Import and manual subscriptions
form_referral_subscribers Form and referral subscriptions
unopen_last_email Unopens in the last e-mail campaign
status Subscriber status
lang Language
add_method Subscription method
remove_method Opt-out method
remove_reason Opt-out reason
email E-mail

Comparison methods for the field_oper_X variable:

eq equal to
ta ends with
bt date range
ne not equal to
ge greater or equal to
gt greater than
le less or equal to
lt less than
ex contains
nx does not contain
he begins with


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the new segment has been successfully created
SEGMENT_ID ID of new segment


[Create an advanced segment in a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
name true n/a Name for the new segment
field_name_X_Y true n/a Field to run the search on. This variable accepts all segmentation fields available in E-goi (see table below). If you want to do multiple simultaneous searches, replace the "X" and "Y" with a number.
field_value_X_Y true n/a Value to search for. If you want to do multiple simultaneous searches, replace the "X" and "Y" with a number. If you are searching between dates, use the following format: date1||date2
field_oper_X_Y true n/a Comparison method for the value to search for. This variable accepts all comparison methods available in E-goi (see table below). If you want to do multiple simultaneous searches, replace the "X" and "Y" with a number.
type false match_all_condition Search operator (match_any_condition = or; match_all_condition = and). This variable is only valid for multiple simultaneous searches.
invert false 0 Inverts the search result (1 = inverted; 0 = normal)

Segmentation fields available for the field_name_X_Y variable:

all_fields All fields
cellphone Mobile
fax Fax
telephone Telephone
first_name First name
last_name Last name
birth_date Birthdate
tags Tags
extra_field_X Extra field X (X = field reference number)
email_sent E-mails sent
email_views E-mail opens
ref Reference
referrals Referrals
referrals_converted Conversions
clicks Clickthroughs
bounces Bounces
sms_sent SMS sent
sms_delivered SMS delivered
fax_sent Faxes sent
voice_calls_sent Voice calls sent
voice_calls_answered Voice calls answered
email_view_country Country with the latest open
add_date Subscrition date
email_view_region Region with the latest open
email_view_city City with the latest open
social_networks_total Social media actions
engaged_subscribers Engaged subscribers (10 opens and 2 clicks)
dormant_subscribers Dormant subscribers (less than 10 opens and 2 clicks)
new_subscribers New subscribers (last 3 months)
old_subscribers Old subscribers (more than 3 months)
imported_manual_subscribers Import and manual subscriptions
form_referral_subscribers Form and referral subscriptions
unopen_last_email Unopens in the last e-mail campaign
status Subscriber status
lang Language
add_method Subscription method
remove_method Opt-out method
remove_reason Opt-out reason
email E-mail

Comparison methods for the field_oper_X_Y variable:

eq equal to
ta ends with
bt date range
ne not equal to
ge greater or equal to
gt greater than
le less or equal to
lt less than
ex contains
nx does not contain
he begins with


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the new segment has been successfully created
SEGMENT_ID ID of new segment


[Delete a segment in a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
name true n/a Segment name


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the segment has been successfully deleted


[Get the segments of a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
name false n/a Segment name


Name Description
SEGMENT NAME Segment name
FIELDS NAME Search field (see table below)
FIELDS VALUE Value which has been searched for
FIELDS OPTION Search comparison method (view table below)
FIELDS CAMPAIGN Campaign used in this search (all_campaigns = all existing campaigns; last_campaign = last campaign; hash = hash code of a campaign)
TYPE Search operator (match_any_condition = or; match_all_condition = and)
INVERT Result search inversion (1 = inverted; 0 = normal)



[Add Cname]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
cname true n/a Cname name
default false 0 Cname is the account default (1 - yes, 0 - no)


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the import has been successfully processed. The created cname's data will also be returned.
ID ID of cname register
CNAME Cname name
STATUS Status os cname (1 - Active, 0 - Inactive)
DNS Dns result value
DNS_CHECK Dns verification date (timestamp)
DEFAULT Default Cnam (1 - yes, 0 - no)
VERIFIED Cname is verified (1 - yes, 0 -no)
VERIFIED_CHECK Cname verification date (timestamp)
CREATED Creation date
UPDATED Updated date
CREATED_BY (a) Array with data of the cname's creator
UPDATED_BY (a) Array with data of the cname's updater
ID (b) User ID
ADMIN (b) Is admin (1 - yes, 0 - no)
CLIENT (b) Client ID
EMAIL (b) Email
LANGUAGE (b) Language
LASTNAME (b) Last Name
NAME (b) First Name
PHONE (b) Phone Number
CELLPHONE (b) Cellphone Number
USERNAME (b) Username


[Add a new sender]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
channel true n/a Channel assigned to the sender (email = e-mail; telemovel = mobile; telefone = phone)
type (a) n/a Type of sender (1 - number, 0 - text)
name (b) n/a Sender's name
email (b) n/a Sender's email
defaultCountryCode (c) n/a Country dialing code of the sender's contact (a "+" sign is required). If this variable is not set, the dialing code will be +351.
sender (c) n/a Sender's number or text
file (d) n/a File containing the approval document (PDF format)



Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the import has been successfully processed.


[Delete Sender]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
hash true n/a Sender's code


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the sender have been successfully deleted


[Edit Sender]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
hash true n/a Sender's code
name true n/a Sender name
domain false (a) Domain Sender



Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the sender have been successfully updated


[Get a listing of your senders]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
channel false n/a Channel assigned to the sender (available options: "email" for e-mail senders; "telemovel" for mobile senders; "voz" for voice senders). If this variable is not set, all senders will be returned, regardless of their channel
start false 0 Starts the sender listing from a specific entry. The default is 0 (i.e., the listing will start from the latest sender). If, for example, you set it as 5, the listing will start from the 5th sender.
limit false 25 Total senders to be listed. You can set it between 1 and 100


Name Description
SENDER Sender name (e-mail senders will also include the e-mail address)
CHANNEL Channel assigned to this sender (available options: "email" for e-mail senders; "telemovel" for mobile senders; "voz" for voice senders).



[Add subscriber to a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
status false 0 Contact status (0 = unconfirmed; 1 = active; 2 = removed; 4 = inactive). Default status (or if you don't set this variable) = 0 (unconfirmed)
from false n/a Sender of the list's subscription confirmation and welcome e-mails. This parameter only accepts previously validated sender codes (you can access them in the "Senders" section of your E-goi account)
lang false n/a Language of the contact (en = English; es = Spanish; pt = European Portuguese; br = Brazilian Portuguese; fr = French; de = German)
email false n/a E-mail
validate_phone false 1 Automatic mobile, phone and fax number validation (0 = disabled; 1 = enabled)
cellphone false n/a Mobile number (prefix and number separated by a hyphen; eg 44-078XXXXXXXX)
telephone false n/a Telephone number (prefix and number separated by a hyphen; eg 44-013XXXXXXXX)
fax false n/a Fax number (prefix and number separated by a hyphen; eg 44-013XXXXXXXX)
first_name false n/a First name
last_name false n/a Last name
birth_date false n/a Birthdate
extra_X false n/a Contents of any extra fields for this contact. The "X" should be replaced by the extra field's ID (you can fetch it using the getLists command).
tags false n/a An array containing the tag IDs which will be used to tag this subscriber (you can fetch them using the getTags command)
formID false n/a ID number of a form in your mailing list. If the form exists, contacts who subscribe will be sent the automated welcome and opt-in confirmation e-mails set in that form.


Name Description
UID Unique subscriber ref
FIRST_NAME First name
LAST_NAME Last name
EMAIL Email address
CELLPHONE Mobile number
TELEPHONE Telephone number
FAX Fax number
BIRTH_DATE Birthday date
EXTRA_FIELD_X Extra field X
CONFIRM_EMAIL Sent or Not sent


[Import subscribers to a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
compareField true n/a Field which will be mapped for comparison to prevent duplicates (<kbd>email</kbd> = e-mail address; <kbd>cellphone</kbd> = mobile number; <kbd>telephone</kbd> = phone number; <kbd>fax</kbd> = fax number; <kbd>first_name</kbd> = first name; <kbd>last_name</kbd> = last name; <kbd>birth_date</kbd> = birthdate; <kbd>extra_X</kbd> = extra field X)
defaultCountryCode false n/a Country dialing code of the imported contacts (a "+" sign is required). If this variable is not set, the dialing code of the imported contacts will be +351.
operation false 1 Import type (1 = add new contacts only; 2 = add new contacts and update existing ones). If operation has value 1, the subscribers that already exist in the list will be ignored upon importing subscribers with the same "compareField". If operation takes value 2, subscribers with the same "compareField" will be edit with the new data.
force_empty false 0 If 1 accepts empty values and forces to erase that fields.
tags false n/a Array with the tags you want to tag all imported contacts with (all imported contacts will share these tags)
autoresponder false 0 Sends each imported contact the autoresponder sequence you have previously set up for sign-ups in this mailing list (0 = do not send; 1 = send)
subscribers true n/a Array with the contacts that you want to import. Use the same options as in the <kbd>addSubscriber</kbd> function.
recorrencia_callback false n/a Callback URL to fetch the import result. If enabled, it will return a parameter called import_subs containing the result of your import in XML format.
formID false 0 ID number of a form in your mailing list. If the form exists, contacts who subscribe will be sent the automated welcome and opt-in confirmation e-mails set in that form. If active will only import 100 contacts.
notification false 1 Sends a notification email when the import is finished. The notification will be sent out to the user who ran the import. This option is disabled by default. To enable it, simply set it to 1.
appID false 0 ID number of a push app. This is only needed if push tokens are mapped.



Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the import has been successfully processed.


[Edit a subscribers information]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
subscriber true n/a Subscriber reference number or e-mail address
status false n/a Subscriber status (0 = unconfirmed; 1 = active; 4 = inactive)
lang false n/a Subscriber language (en = English; es = Spanish; pt = European Portuguese; br = Brazilian Portuguese; fr = French; de = German)
email false n/a E-mail
validate_phone false 1 Automatic mobile, phone and fax number validation (0 = disabled; 1 = enabled)
cellphone false n/a Mobile number (prefix and number separated by a hyphen; eg 44-078XXXXXXXX)
telephone false n/a Telephone number (prefix and number separated by a hyphen; eg 44-013XXXXXXXX)
fax false n/a Fax number (prefix and number separated by a hyphen; eg 44-013XXXXXXXX)
first_name false n/a First name
last_name false n/a Last name
birth_date false n/a Birthdate
extra_X false n/a Contents of any extra fields for this contact. The "X" should be replaced by the extra field's ID (you can fetch it using the getLists command).
tags false n/a An array containing the tag IDs which will be used to tag this subscriber (you can fetch them using the getTags command)
force_empty false 0 If 1 accepts empty values and forces to erase that fields.


Name Description
UID Unique subscriber ref
FIRST_NAME First name
LAST_NAME Last name
EMAIL Email address
CELLPHONE Mobile number
TELEPHONE Telephone number
FAX Fax number
BIRTH_DATE Birthday date
STATUS Subscriber status (0 = unconfirmed; 1 = active; 2 = removed; 4 = inactive)
STATUS_EMAIL Subscriber's email channel status (0 = inactive; 1 = active)
STATUS_CELLPHONE Subscriber's cellphone channel status (0 = inactive; 1 = active)
STATUS_TELEPHONE Subscriber's telephone channel status (0 = inactive; 1 = active)
STATUS_FAX Subscriber's fax channel status (0 = inactive; 1 = active)
EXTRA_FIELD_X Contents of any extra fields for this subscriber. The "X" will be replaced by the extra field's ID.
CONFIRM_EMAIL Sent or Not sent
MODIFICATION_DATE Date that this subscribers information has been last updated


[Get a subscribers activity]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
subscriber true n/a Subscriber reference number
limit false 250 Total entries to be listed. You can set it between 1 and 1000
start false 0 Starts the activity listing from a specific entry. The default is 0 (i.e., the listing will start from the latest entry). If, for example, you set it as 50, the listing will start from the 50th entry.


Name Description
DATE Date of activity
CAMPAIGN Campaign hash code
ACTION Action name
EXTRA_DATA Aditional information


[Remove a subscriber from a mailing list]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
subscriber true n/a Subscriber reference number or e-mail address
removeMethod false n/a Opt-out method (manual, Web form, campaign unsubscribe link, bounce, API, unknown reason)
removeReason false n/a Opt-out reason (1 - Not interested; 2 - Lack of time; 3 - E-mail address change; 4 - Spam; 5 - Other reason)
removeObs false n/a Message left by the subscriber when opting out (only if the "REMOVE_REASON" variable is "5")


Name Description
UID Unique subscriber ref
FIRST_NAME First name
LAST_NAME Last name
EMAIL Email address
CELLPHONE Mobile number
TELEPHONE Telephone number
FAX Fax number
BIRTH_DATE Birthday date
EXTRA_FIELD_X Extra field X
CONFIRM_EMAIL Sent or Not sent


[Get a subscribers information]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number
subscriber true n/a Subscriber reference number, e-mail address or array of subscriber reference numbers (if you want to list all subscribers in the mailing list, use "all_subscribers").
segment false n/a Mailing list segment name (use it in conjunction with "all_subscribers" in the "subscriber" variable to list all subscribers in that specific segment)
segmentID false n/a Mailing list segment id (use it in conjunction with "all_subscribers" in the "subscriber" variable to list all subscribers in that specific segment)
limit false 250 Total subscribers to be listed. You can set it between 1 and 1000
start false 0 Starts the subscriber listing from a specific entry. The default is 0 (i.e., the listing will start from the latest subscriber). If, for example, you set it as 50, the listing will start from the 50th subscriber.
fields false n/a An array containing the fields wanted for subscribers data.


Name Description
ID Subscriber ID number
REF Subscriber reference number
FIRST_NAME First name
LAST_NAME Last name
EMAIL Email address
CELLPHONE Mobile number
TELEPHONE Telephone number
FAX Fax number
BIRTH_DATE Birthday date
EXTRA_FIELD_X Contents of any extra fields for this subscriber. The "X" will be replaced by the extra field's ID.
STATUS Subscriber status (0 = unconfirmed; 1 = active; 2 = removed; 4 = inactive)
STATUS_EMAIL Subscriber's email channel status (0 = inactive; 1 = active)
STATUS_CELLPHONE Subscriber's cellphone channel status (0 = inactive; 1 = active)
STATUS_TELEPHONE Subscriber's telephone channel status (0 = inactive; 1 = active)
STATUS_FAX Subscriber's fax channel status (0 = inactive; 1 = active)
TAGS Subscriber tags
ADD_DATE Subscription date
ADD_METHOD Subscription method (manual, Web form, import, referral, API)
BOUNCES Number of bounces
REMOVE_METHOD Opt-out method (manual, Web form, campaign unsubscribe link, bounce, API, unknown reason)
REMOVE_DATE Opt-out date
REMOVE_REASON Opt-out reason (1 - Not interested; 2 - Lack of time; 3 - E-mail address change; 4 - Spam; 5 - Other reason)
REMOVE_OBS Message left by the subscriber when opting out (only if the "REMOVE_REASON" variable is "5 - Other reason")
EMAIL_SENT Number of emails sent to this subscriber
EMAIL_VIEWS Number of email opens by this subscriber
REFERRALS Number of referrals made by this subscriber
REFERRALS_CONVERTED Number of referrals made by this subscriber resulting in a conversion (ie the person receiving the referral signed up for the mailing list)
CLICKS Number of click-throughs by this subscriber
SMS_SENT Number of SMS messages sent to this subscriber
SMS_DELIVERED Number of SMS messages delivered to this subscriber
FAX_SENT Number of faxes sent to this subscriber
VOICE_CALLS_SENT Number of voice calls made to this subscriber
VOICE_CALLS_ANSWERED Number of voice calls answered by this subscriber
MODIFICATION_DATE Date that this subscribers information has been last updated
LAST_OPEN_DATE Date of the latest open for this subscriber
TOKEN_ANDROID Android app token used by this subscriber
TOKEN_IOS iOS app token used by this subscriber
TOKEN_WINDOWS Windows app token used by this subscriber
PUSH_OPEN Number of push message opens by this subscriber
PUSH_SENT Number of push messages sent to this subscriber
PUSH_CLICK Number of push message click-throughs by this subscriber
PUSH_DELIVERED Number of push messages delivered to this subscriber
PUSH_NOT_DELIVERED Number of push messages which failed to be delivered to this subscriber
PUSH_CANCELED Number of push messages which the subscriber closed without opening
PUSH_LAST_OPEN_DATE Date of the latest push message open from this subscriber
EG_PRODUCTS Track&Engage product items
EG_CATEGORY_PRODUCTS Track&Engage product categories
EG_TOTAL_REVENUE Total revenue generated by this subscriber
EG_LAST_BUY Last purchase from this subscriber
EG_QTD_BUY Total purchases from this subscriber
EG_GOALS Number of Track&Engage goals reached by this subscriber
EG_TOTAL_VISITS Total site visits made by this subscriber



[Add a tag to the set of tags]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
name true n/a Tag contents
color false n/a Specific colour that the tag will be displayed with in E-goi (you should set it using HTML colour codes)


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the new tag has been successfully created. The tag's reference number, contents and colour will also be returned.
NAME Tag contents
COLOR HTML colour code for this tag


[Tag a set number of contacts]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
tag true n/a Tag reference number
target true n/a Array containing the reference number of the specific contacts you want to tag
type true n/a Type of item to be tagged with. Acceptable values: subscriber (more will be added soon)
listID true n/a Mailing list reference number


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the tag has been successfully added
CHANGED Number of targets changed


[Delete a tag]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
tag true n/a Tag reference number


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the tag has been successfully deleted


[Untag a set number of contacts]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key
tag true n/a Tag reference number
target true n/a Array containing the reference number of the specific contacts you want to untag
type true n/a Type of item to be untagged. Acceptable values: subscriber (more will be added soon)
listID false n/a Mailing list reference number (only required if you set "subscriber" as the value for the variable "type" above)


Name Description
RESULT "OK" means that the tag has been successfully deleted
CHANGED Number of targets changed


[Get all tags created in your account]


Name Required Default Description
apikey true n/a API key


Name Description
ID Tag reference number
NAME Tag contents
COLOR HTML colour code for this tag